Thursday, August 10, 2017

Adventure Is

Adventure is where you find it.

The Bandit and I just put over a hundred miles on of incredibly beautiful travels. We launched into Wisconsin while the sky was still dark and wound through very sweet country roads, filled with gas and coffee at a local station, and then launched again into the deep overcast gloaming of the morning sun.

By the time we got back into more familiar reaches and crossed the St Croix, I felt alive again and ready for the daily grind. Our morning adventure across immeasurably beautiful country landscapes, back county dirt and gravel roads overhung with old trees, and the occasionally surprising bit of windy country tarmac... well, it filled both our tanks full.

Sitting here by the river sipping coffee, listening to gulls call out and watching the rising sun and clearing sky, I am very aware just how much adventure is... is as essential to me as breathing.

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