Sunday, March 4, 2018

After 3 long snowy cold months...

... it's finally here, on this early March day - the ice and snow have finally started to give way and I could see and smell the early signs of spring.

It's still freakin' cold (30's and 40's, with more ice and snow in the forecast for tonight). Really it's too cold for any kind of long rides... but for a couple hours around town with my full winter kit on, I figured I could manage it.

Anyway, with "that much" asphalt finally showing through the snow and ice-covered roadways around here, I decided to make it the first riding day of 2018. The riding is fine, just have to be careful. There are a bunch of meltwater puddles that are really quite deep, some obscuring a thin layer of ice still underneath. The potholes are out of control, though not as bad as some years. Also a lot of the shady spots (behind buildings/garages and under big trees) are still sporting a thin veneer of glare ice.

Everywhere I go, big piles of snow still dominate the neighborhoods around Minneapolis, but what the hell, I'm out and it's an awesome first day of riding... Everything I remember about riding my first year came back to me in a flash. Having low-sided in November due to too cold tires and a total lack of awareness about tire temps, I am riding and being especially careful about keeping my tire temps up with extra maneuvers and engine braking, and also making sure that I take every corner less aggressively and with smooth control of power. 

A couple of rides through unavoidable "snow patches" here and there gave me a pretty good test of my confidence as a new rider, but I kept the bike upright and fishtailed my way through them without incident.

I just love riding - glad to be back.

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