Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Tucking In (The Non-Riding Kind)

Big storm clouds above, sky going green. I'm in my full kit, Triumph jacket and riding pants, boots, and gloves, so the storm itself doesn't bother me. On any other stormy day, I'd just keep riding... But today, I'm just not feeling it. Instead, I'm sitting in a local chain coffee shop on a big leather chair with a hot cup of medium roast just watching the storm crackle and roll in my direction.

Some days, it feels great to just tuck in. No, not the sport-riding-knees-in kind of "tuck in". I mean a comfortable chair, a warm cup of something, etc.. Those kinds of inside-looking-out days lend perspective to the times when we're in the thick of it, fighting the elements and the world to keep moving forward.

If all we know is battling the elements, the battle becomes all we know. If all we know is a life without adventure, then our life is missing something important.

It's good to appreciate the calm as well as the storm.

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