Monday, May 20, 2019

Cold Starts (Warm Hearts?)

The past couple days have once again dipped down into the 20's and 30's. Spring seems to have woken up the animals and the budding poplar and maple and elms are not being shy about their urgency to see the days grow warmer as they also grow longer.

Although it feels like it should be spring, there is still a lingering cold start to each day thus far that feels like tentacles from a long winter, refusing to let go.

Still, I am on my bike again, and my wife and I took a very cold evening ride two-up on Burt (my Honda Shadow Spirit 750dc) on Saturday. Warm days are coming for sure. We just have to believe that nothing unwelcome ever lasts forever.

The positive that seems to have come from all this is that every one of these good country folk seems equally haggard by how long and trying this winter has been. The temperaments I'm encountering as I wander about town are unexpectedly mellow and kind and warm. People here seem generously engaging with their smiles and concerns, but a lingering tiredness shows through chapped winter faces. 

Spring is about renewal, so maybe a deep winter challenge has made that overdue renewal that much more worthwhile..?

Regardless, another unexpected win from a motorcyclist's perspective: my ride into the coffee shop in downtown Ely to start my work day was completely bug free. 

That is one VERY welcome side-effect from these still-frozen nights. :-)

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